
Time slot: 
March 8th, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Come and join the team of as we explain in detail how to setup your own Development, Staging, and Production system used to fully control your Drupal deployment in a real life high performance website scenario.


Thank you everyone for your

Thank you everyone for your feedback! We are working on the public version of our Process document and will post it to this thread when it is ready.

Thanks again for attending and interest.

As per Travis T. here is the

Thanks for addressing this

I think this is one of the most often overlooked subjects and it's sooo important. It's hard to come up with a good, standardized process that everyone conforms to. Thanks for sharing yours. I thought it was excellent!

those who attended: please add your notes/corrections/photos

here are some low-quality photos of the whiteboard from my iphone (please post better shots if you have them):

what's the value of this practice? standardize:
- the way teammembers contribute
- the review process
- staging
- rollout

mantra: defence wins games
git is at the heart
gate for code review
developer gets their own drupal site to work on independently
- invested time in Eucalyptus for sandboxes
- EC2 lets you check instances
- VirtualBox, great way to get an instance on a local machine that closely resembles your production environment

this practice is pivotal to their business strategy

mantra: move changes to code
- use features, cck, strongarm
- patterned off OpenAtrium

audience question: how do you divvy up features?
answer: make each a business functional requirement
- high modularity
- pitch for kit compliance (

how git repos are structured is key
- all developers have a fork of the mainline and make their own branches in order to work on a specific feature or story
- they use gitorius on their own server (similar to github; though not easy to set up
- code reviewer sees list of merges waiting to happen with diff, reviewers comment

features.module is crucial piece
- use drush features update (drush fu) to push everything out to code; developer pushes off to their own branch; reviewer gets notice to review

drush has great workflow
- follow recipes or patterns built into drush
- use drush make a lot (nice workflow for patches)

hudson (now changed to jenkins?)
- will change the way you work with shell scripts - gives deep insights through logs to the console (who, when, any errors) and lets you trigger emails, irc updates

- selenium (SauceLabs is a company that lets you take your runtests and run on their instances, recording videos of site running in different browsers/environments); alternative? is Selenium IDE Firefox plugin?
- simpletest-unit services - gives a rich report - pulled into hudson, which has analysis - nunit, junit, phpunit

they are interested in looking at watir

pivotal tracker keeps track of stories

see Travis's doc about process using pivotal
they'll also be be publishing company blog

tools people use
gitbox is a mac app
gitk comes by default but may not
tower is incredible gitgui
strong recommendation to learn the shell - much faster

existing painpoints (see whiteboard shots)
- returning user contrib to stage (pro tip: sanitize user emails: or use devel module or mailredirect module); deploy module
- config management

Great session

I learned I'm on the right track, hopefully the documentation you are going to post will help me clarify how to scale it for a smaller operation. Looking forward to looking closely at that!

The session that I went to

The session that I went to was interesting and helpful, but I'm really sad that I missed this.

Thank you everyone for your

Thank you everyone for your feedback! We are working on the public version of our Process document and will post it to this thread when it is ready.

Thanks again for attending and interest.

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