Agile design and engineering inside the Drupal Gardens team

Drupal Community

In this session we’ll show you how Acquia applies user experience design with Agile development to build rapid solutions that tailor to the needs of a targeted audience. We’ll reveal how we decide what to include in our products and by when. We’ll familiarize you with our design process highlighting how we do research, brainstorm, design and test our ideas. Last we’ll dive into the build process and explain how we estimate, plan, sprint, test and release.

By the end of this session, you’ll have a solid grasp on how to apply a user centered design process in an Agile landscape, and what tools we use to get the job done. You’ll also understand how Acquia decides what to work on, why, and how.

Intended audience: 

Anyone interested in learning:
1. how to apply Agile
2. how to integrate user experience into an Agile process
3. how Acquia helps the Drupal community

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
How do I apply Agile development
Question 2: 
How do I integrate user experience into the Agile development process?
Question 3: 
What's the process Acquia goes through to enhance the user experience of Drupal
Question 4: 
What tools and techniques are used to arrive at a design solution
Question 5: 
How does Acquia decide what contributed modules belong in Gardens
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Chapter Three