Configuring Varnish

Implementation and Config

A lot of people know that "Varnish is fast", but doesn't know how to use it. This session will go through some of the basic tasks that are typically done on Drupal sites using Varnish. It will be oriented around Varnish and how it integrates with other applications.

I will explain some of the common pitfalls and how to get the most "bang for the buck" without investing horrendous amounts of time. A quick look at how one can troubleshoot common problems, safety precautions and common tricks employed to maximize performance.

It is assumed that the participants knows the basic concept of a cache and knows Drupal and the Web well enough to extrapolate from HTTP to PHP.

The participants will be presented with some common goals with regards to tuning which should offer a reference point when they later try it out.

The session will not cover installation or go into depth on the architecture. If applicable at the time, relevant Varnish 3.0-changes may be covered.

Intended audience: 

System administrators of Drupal sites that wish to deploy Varnish, or have already deployed Varnish and wish to maximize the efficiency.

It may also be interesting to developers - the challenges in caching is closely related to development. Some basic knowledge of HTTP is expected, but not extensively.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
Where do I begin? How to start testing and eventually deploying a Varnish cache in conjunction with an existing Drupal stack.
Question 2: 
What are the risk factors? What should the user be extra cautious of and what can be safely overlooked. Both with regards to efficiency, privacy, reliability and security.
Question 3: 
How do I tell if it's working? A challenge with a tool like Varnish is to determine if it's doing what it's supposed to and operating at maximum capacity. I'll briefly mention the tools of the trade and what to look for.
Question 4: 
How can I safely adjust my configuration? A good fault-policy can save you from a lawsuit. I will explain how to make sure that when Varnish is configured incorrectly it will fall back to a safe policy. This is both about specific configuration techniques and broader design philosophies.
Question 5: 
What are the common tricks of the trade? The participants will be shown the combination of varnish-tools and conventional command line tools used during debugging. I will focus more on the tools and tricks that are less obvious by reading typical documentation, but all the more useful when employed correctly.
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