Development tricks for designers: how I learned to stop worrying and love the Drush

Design and UX

You're a designer. You shouldn't need to know how to deal with command line and code and stuff, right?

So you charge forth, books and video podcasts in hand, and struggle and cry your way through your first bunch of Drupal sites. All goes well, until you realize months later that you have to update core and contrib modules, which takes three hours. Then the site goes down altogether and you can't figure out how to revert it to the old version. Or you have to do a new site and end up spending half the budget trying to remember all the various settings that you have to set in order to get your bases covered.

I've been there. It sucked. This session will give you some strategies to help it suck less. Using Drush, Drush Make and a few other convenient tools, you can set up standard installations (to make rapid prototyping easier), establish some smart workflow strategies and free up your budget for the fun stuff. Plus, you'll gain valuable Geek Cred.

Intended audience: 

This session is geared specifically towards non-developers; those folks (like me) who are very much designers and not coders, but who realize that there has to be an easier way to make Drupal happen.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
So what is this Drush thing, and how do I use it?
Question 2: 
How do I make sure that my files don't go boom when I break something?
Question 3: 
How do I set up a basic site plan, so I know what I'm working with?
Question 4: 
How do I turn that plan into a standard Drush Make File (which downloads all your core and contrib files) and Install Profile (which sets up all your settings), so I can focus on design and UX?
Question 5: 
How do I migrate the site from my development server to the live server without losing my mind?
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This is a great idea

Hope it is selected!

Crush on Drush

so many designers and FEDs would gain much to dip their toes in the drush pool! Dani is an awesome presenter and will make any designer feel right at home with the command line!

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Chapter Three