Domain Access: Leveraging drupal for network

Implementation and Config

Drupal rocks for NGO's, government organizations, not-for-profit institutions, media houses, and educational institutions.
Drupal rocks for the speed at which we create gorgeous sites. It’s even better when it comes to a "network". For a network of institution where each "node" of the network has same workflow, generates and publishes content in same data structure but they need a dedicated website. Its ideal case to leverage domain access to cut down the development cost and delivery time amazingly.
The Domain Access project is a suite of modules that provide tools for running a group of affiliated sites from one Drupal installation and a single shared database.
The session will cover:
1. Business point of view on where you can implement it and where not.
2. A “application and config” to show how to set it up, configure and quick look on how it works.
3. Difficulties which may arise and the solution from our experiences. Also issues like how to handle must have features (SEO/Multilingual) with domain access.

Intended audience: 

The session would be great if you have a drupal business or plan to have business around drupal. We will explain how domain access can create your most profitable project. Another class of audience to benefit will be intermediate Drupal site builders and developers. While we won't jump into code at all, we will be demonstrating and explaining configurations and setup.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
What is domain access and what are the possibilities of what i can develop with domain access?
Question 2: 
How and in what case exactly i can offer such solution to my client?
Question 3: 
How to configure and setup domain access?
Question 4: 
What are problems i may face while implementing this for a serious project and their solution?
Question 5: 
Ok, i understand these things now. Any tips and tricks or any leftovers?
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