Information Architecture: Fear of Apples

Design and UX

Seth Godin, a marketing personality, once wrote a brief article titled "Fear of Apples." He speaks of how people are afraid of apples because there are too many kinds—we'd have to be apple experts to be able to understand the 5 different kinds/brands of apples in a store, and which one they should choose!

Is your website the same way? Do your website's visitors need to be experts to use your site's navigation? Can someone outside your organization understand your website and it's structure, design, and terminology?

This session will show you how you can cut through organizational clutter, focus on your website's users, and reduce complexity to increase customer satisfaction and time on your site. Finally, you'll learn strategies for continually reducing the clutter.

Intended audience: 

Information Architects, Graphic Designers, Project Managers, Content Managers, Marketers

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
How can I make my website easier to use for a first-time visitor?
Question 2: 
How can I increase my visitors' time on the website / decrease my bounce rate?
Question 3: 
How can I cut through my organization's red tape, and focus on the needs of our users rather than our internal staff/structures?
Question 4: 
What Drupal modules and technologies can help me in my goal of having a well-architected website?
Question 5: 
How can I prevent the buildup of clutter on my website?
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