Introduction to GIT Version Control


Using Git for version control of Drupal projects and web sites will be introduced. All examples will be done using GUI tools, and arcane command line invocations will be avoided. The workflow presented will be as simple, without branching and merging. A goal of this talk is to convince developers and site builders that are not using version control that starting does not have a steep learning curve and using it does not come with a lot of overhead. People should be able to come away from this session able to start using Git with immediate payoff, and be able to interact with hosting systems that use version control for code promotion and continuous integration.

Git is selected as the version control system because Drupal is moving to Git. Nothing in the talk should be so advanced that it is not easily replicated in other version control systems.

The use of Features to move more configuration from the Drupal database to the version controlled source will be briefly covered at the end of the talk.

Intended audience: 

This talk is aimed specifically at developers who do not currently use version control, such as "lone wolf" freelancers and those working in small shops, and those who think the learning curve and overhead of version control is not worth the benefits.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
How can I use Git version control without learning the command line ?
Question 2: 
How does Git version control help me produce Drupal websites faster ?
Question 3: 
How does Git version control help me integrate work from other people ?
Question 4: 
How will Git version control help me present a more professional, efficient appearance to my customers ?
Question 5: 
How can I use Git version control to integrate work from different projects ?
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Chapter Three
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