Spice Up Your Spreadsheets: Using Views and CCK to Create an Awesome Web Site and Data Center

Implementation and Config

What do eBay, Craigslist, Amazon, and Monster have in common? They present data that is useful to everyday people in a search-able table format. Your organization has data that is useful to other people too, so why couldn't you do that?

Many organizations keep data floating around in a morass of spreadsheets and Excel documents - for good reason. Excel is a great way to make charts and perform complicated calculations on data. But what about sharing that data with your coworkers? Or somehow putting that data on the web?

Here's where Drupal can help. By using Views and Content Creation Kit (CCK), you can take all that data and put it to work! Give your organization a central location to store, edit, and collaborate so that every user is always on the same page. You can even share your data with the world and make it view-able, browse-able, search-able, and useful, just like the pros do.
Intended audience: 

Intended audience: 

This session is best suited for Intermediate Drupal implementers at mid-size organizations that manage and have a lot of data and would like to collaborate and share the data with the world.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
What are some pros and cons to using Drupal to manage my data sets?
Question 2: 
What are some things I can do with CCK to help people who are used to Excel?
Question 3: 
How can I let internal and external constituents browse our data set?
Question 4: 
How do I get my data into Drupal?
Question 5: 
Can I get data from Drupal back into Excel?
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Chapter Three