There's a (dozen) module(s) for that.

Implementation and Config

One of the great strengths of Drupal is the community and their willingness to share. This is easily quantified by the 7000+ contributed modules available. The rate of contributions is still growing. My perception is that we are now seeing more than 4 new modules a day. This vast landscape of code is what allows Drupal developers to build so many different kinds of sites in a short development cycle.

But 7000 modules is daunting. The developers efficiency is directly correlated to their knowledge of these modules. Experienced PHP developers new to Drupal and those without any programming experience at all, we all have the same challenge, finding the gem among the rough!

We will investigate several techniques to find, evaluate and select the right modules for your project.

Intended audience: 

Anyone who needs help looking for a module that does X, independent of your PHP coding experience.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
How do you find a contributed module that does X?
Question 2: 
How do you evaluate the quality of the code in a contributed module when you don't have coding experience?
Question 3: 
What is the criteria for selecting a contributed module from several that all do the same thing?
Question 4: 
How does one evaluate the skill level of a contributed module author? Who are the authors one can trust?
Question 5: 
Who should one talk to if they need help choosing a contributed module?
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