Upgrading Sites from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7: Client Edition

Business and Strategy

When should I be upgrading to D7? Is it ok that I still have a D6 site? What are the benefits? What are the costs?

These are the questions that are coming from clients. I'm starting to hear more of them, and we (as a community) don't have all of the answers yet. However, we're totally getting there. This session is a chance to get fodder for your elevator pitch when you're cornered with these questions.

I'll go over use cases for D7: where it works, where it's not there yet, and what's likely to end in disaster.

You Must Be This Tall To Ride Disclaimer: You're a Drupal professional, and/or you play with the web for a living. You're moderately familiar with Professional Services, or at least interested in it. You get the tensions between making timelines happen and making clients happy.

While this will be development-focused, it's focused around what clients actually want. We're not going to talk about database layer abstraction and assorted other 'word salad' phrases. We might be talking about Fields in Core and how that upgrade affects existing sites.

Intended audience: 

You might be a project manager. Or you might just end up managing projects. You work with clients. You're a person interested in Drupal.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
What's cool for client projects in Drupal 7?
Question 2: 
What's a good candidate for a Drupal 6 to 7 upgrade?
Question 3: 
What's a bad choice to upgrade at the moment? (Roughly)
Question 4: 
What should be considered with caution?
Question 5: 
What should I say when I am cornered and need to sound good in 60 seconds to save myself some pain?
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