Jake Strawn

Jake is the creator and maintainer of the mobile first, responsive Omega base theme as well as a host of other themes and modules. Jake is currently working for some large name clients on high profile Drupal projects, all while balancing community contributions, and the upcoming launch of the ThemeGeeks community. He works tirelessly hundreds of hours per week between client, community and personal work. His continued passion for knowledge and the furthering of his talents keeps him on the cutting edge of Drupal, always discovering (or creating) the newest, fastest, most powerful ways to accomplish tasks.

Jake has spoken at a number of Drupal events including Do it With Drupal 2011, DrupalCon London, DrupalCon Paris, DrupalCon San Fransisco, Design 4 Drupal 2010 and 2011, DrupalCamp Montreal, DrupalCamp NH among others. Jake is a contributing author on the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7. Jake is also currently running the Manchester, New Hampshire Drupal Group, and organizing the 2nd DrupalCamp New Hampshire.

Jake lives in Manchester, NH with his wife Michelle, and their gaggle of pets. Jake & Michelle became engaged at possibly the first mid-session DrupalCon Proposal in London...

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Treehouse Agency