I think it's likely that Dries will open up Drupal 8 development some time during DrupalCon Chicago.
While I can't wait to get started on Drupal 8, I really, really don't want to see the critical issues queue get out of hand like it did during Drupal 7, ever, ever again (over 400 at one point if I remember correctly, and about 150 of those at least were real bugs).
A good start on this would be getting the five real critical bugs + one meta issue to RTBC so that Drupal 8 begins with as close to a clean slate as possible. If people are up for this, it might be something to do the afternoon of the Monday? I'll be very jet-lagged but it'd keep me awake.
I'll try to make it. Sounds
I'll try to make it. Sounds like fun.
You can count me in
Yay something to do on Monday!
Count me in
I'll be there too.
Where/when is this? I need to do some presentation prep, but would love to be there if it works out. :)
Especially if someone can help me figure out Git so I can commit again. ;)
I'd love to come, name a time
I'd love to come, name a time and place :)
I'm in the Mississippi coder
I'm in the Mississippi coder lounge downstairs from the lobby at the Sheraton, it's 1.15pm now. Let's say here, I'll try to stay as long as I can keep stocked up with food and caffeine.