Many of us have had the nasty experience of running Drupal on a shared host. It runs slow. I had a recent experience where Drupal 7 core plus a few contrib modules were causing the page take seconds to render (2 seconds to generate the page and 2 more to render in the browser).
This is unacceptable and there are some tricks to make it run faster. Lets get together, share some tricks, and plan a path forward where this problem becomes less of a problem.
Most of the Drupal sites I've worked on for the past three years were for non-profits, and almost all of them used shared-hosting. As Drupal grows to compete at the Enterprise level, it still needs to remain a viable, smart choice for smaller sites. This BoF is a great idea!
Yep, I'd like to hear about
Yep, I'd like to hear about your shared hosting tricks, but can't be in Chicago :( Maybe you'll write a blog post on this topic? D7 performance kills me :(
Sounds great
I will definitely try to attend this one. The majority of my clients are on shared hosting so I would love a good discussion about how to make their Drupal sites perform better!
Running multisite on shared hosting
I currently run a multisite install of both D6 (4 sites) and D7 (5 sites) on one HostGator Hatchling account. All the sites get maybe 100-200 visitors per day, and they all run relatively well. The D7 sites *do* move like molasses sometimes, though.
Excellent. When and where? I
Excellent. When and where? I will be looking for it.
I would also be curious when
I would also be curious when this BOF is scheduled.