Have you encountered a moment ever using Drupal when you found your work broken due to Drupal core or some module? Managed to track down the cause outside of your code and configuration? Great, you can get it fixed for yourself!
But that is not gonna be sustainable for your project's future. How can you get that fixed for others as well and how will you get fixes contributed by others? As the saying goes "Drupal never sleeps", so you can get feedback on your fixes while you are commuting or watching your favorite soccer match.
This session will teach you where to look if you'd like to contribute, with a bit of version control, Drupal community process, politics and crowd dynamics enlightening factored in.
Video at archive.org.
This session is aimed at coders, themers, documentation readers, translation users who might be proficient in what they do, but are still beginners in the sense of contributing to the community.