Open Academy: A Higher Education Drupal Product for Departmental Websites

Implementation and Config

The university department is at the center of academic life. All across higher education, tens of thousands of departments have organized themselves to teach courses and perform research. As it turns out, most departments need a website to promote their work and each of those websites is basically the same.

Open Academy is an academic departmental website in a box. Built by Chapter Three based on our experience building websites for Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley, we have baked in critical functionality around departmental news, faculty profiles, publications and presentations, events and calendaring, courses, resources and links, video, social media, and degrees and programs. Out of the box, Open Academy lets a department get an amazing and extendible website.

As a bonus, Open Academy was built entirely with the Panels module utilizing the In-Place-Editor, pane level fields override, style plugins, layout aware pane displays, and much more. Come see a best practice Panels Drupal Product.

Intended audience: 

The talk is intended for folks in higher education who are interested in building a departmental website or folks ho are interested in how to use Panels to build a Drupal product.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
What should an academic departmental website look like?
Question 2: 
How do you use Panels to make a killer product experience?
Question 3: 
How do you design a flexible product?
Question 4: 
What does an administration interface for a Drupal product look like?
Question 5: 
How can higher education benefit from a standard Drupal product?
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+1 from Stanford

Matt Cheney has established tremendous credibility at Stanford, and we look forward with great anticipation to the Open Academy distribution. I hope that everyone in the higher-ed BoF can make it to this session.

open source ?


this sounds great... when will Open Academy be open-source ?


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Drupal Connect
Chapter Three
Treehouse Agency