For many people, user experience is mostly about moving elements around on a wireframe and perhaps doing some usability testing. Whilst these are important tactical tasks, User Experience has much more to offer an organisation who is looking to maintain focus and competitive advantage and to both increase revenue and profit.
In this session you'll learn how to make your bottom line and overall business healthier through strategic use of User Experience, and how to identify the right person to help add strategic user experience to your overall business strategy.
Video available at
It is a crossover audience between business people who are looking to make better use of User Experience resources in their organisations to improve profit and revenue, and also User Experience practitioners who are currently or considering moving from tactical to strategic roles in their organisation.
Sadly Missed your talk!
Would really love to hear or see some of the information you used in your talk!
Video starts at 04:00
Leisa's presentation starts at 04:00 minutes into the video posted.
Video Quality Problems
I cannot hear her at all with my volume all the way up and I cannot read the slides.
Anyone else? I attended this session, but wanted to share it with coworkers.
Please let me know if there's anything I can do to get a higher quality version of this session.