Views for hackers

Time slot: 
March 8th, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Sheraton 4 & 5

Views is a query generator and renderer. Its open internal architecture allows 3rd-party modules to extend its capabilities almost infinitely.

In this session, I will present Views from an architectural, top-down perspective. Starting with the 10,000-feet-high conceptual view, we will progressively drill down on the details until we hit the code.

Here are some of the topics covered in the talk:

  • Adding new tables for Views consumption
  • Writing plugins and handlers for all sorts of Views entities
  • Hacking Views internals when needed

I will base the presentation on real-life modules and puzzles where we examine existing solutions to gain an understanding of Views programming.

Video available at

Intended audience: 

* Application developers who want to customize Views with their own business logic. * Application developers who want to understand Views internals to be able to debug their problems. * Module developers who want to integrate their modules with Views.

Questions answered by this session
Question 1: 
How do Views programming and manual SQL programming compare?
Question 2: 
What is the object model used by Views?
Question 3: 
What's the difference between Views plugins and handlers?
Question 4: 
How do I expose my data model for Views consumption?
Question 5: 
How do I debug and write Views extensions?
Views for hackers has been selected and voting is closed.


Excellent presentation

I watched an earlier version of this, and it gives an excellent overview of the Views system for developers. Even after having developed Views plugins, this presentation gave me a better, clearer understanding of the system.

Looking Forward for this

Looking forward for this

Thanks everyone - this

Thanks everyone - this session has been accepted!


Would love to see slides of this published after sometime. Thus far, the it is very helpful in breaking down views as I'm still not comfortable with how to work in them.

Slides again

Again I would also love to see slides of this talk.


Thanks everyone for attending. Here are the slides on SlideShare.

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