Bernard Skibinski

I started my adventure as a Drupal themer in 2010 at Merge. I fell in love with it, although it also reduces me to tears now and then. I've always had an interest in "computer-thingies", and then came 'the internet' and made those machines even more awesome. I played with HTML, CSS and Flash since the beginning of... html css and flash.
But it wasn't until 2010 when i finally decided to transform my hobby into work!

My focus has been on site building, theming, and giving happiness (support :) to our customers. Today i'm learning to be more of an all-rounder, and trying to enhance my understanding of PHP, javascript and (my)SQL.

In daily life, I'm a guy who loves to meet new people, and travel around the world (who doesn't).
I'm a techy, worked as a computer salesman/repairman so I also know how to keep my hardware alive and kicking. Especially kicking... me... in the face, just before deadlines.
Before that I worked as bartender in some clubs, so I guess i've even got some people skills!

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Chapter Three
Drupal Connect
Treehouse Agency