Previous username: mooncougar (darn the rise of the pejorative!)
Diana has spent thirteen years integrating website development, PHP programming, and entrepreneurial pursuits into a passion for building CMS applications. As a Four Kitchens web chef, Diana’s techno-creations include a custom credit card processing extension for the Wikimedia Foundation, module development for large and small Drupal clients, and public CiviCRM evangelizing. She is currently a member of The Economist's development team.
Proving that theater majors do (someday) find meaningful work, especially if they go back to college and study computer science, she mixes comp sci with drama geekness into presenting and training. This year, Diana has given sessions at Drupal events including DrupalCon San Francisco (PHP for NonProgrammers) and DrupalCon Copenhagen (Teaching Drupal) and DrupalCamp Austin (Intro to Drush). When her computer is resting, she is at the yoga studio, writing, pursuing foodie joy, or watching football. (Go Pats!)
- Four Kitchens
- Director of Professional Services / Developer
- dianadupuis
- Developer, programmer, performance, client manager, presenter, trainer
- United States