I'm a Drupal Developer at Gaiam. I really love Open Source, and the Drupal project in particular. The Drupal community is the heart of Drupal, and without such a strong community this project would not be so strong. I think Open Source is the way of the future.
I organize the Colorado Drupal Ladder DBUG meetup which started in July 2011. We are currently climbing the Drupal Ladder as a group. I am committed to getting the community up to 1% contributors to core so we can continue to watch Drupal grow and strengthen.
I love what I do, and am thankful for the opportunities I get in this career.
- Gaiam, Inc.
- Drupal Developer
- TechGirlGeek
- LinkedIn.com/in/karyncassio
- Facebook.com/TechGirlGeek
- Twitter.com/techgirlgeek
- Developer Site Builder Community Organizer
- United States