Some of us use either a simple or complex text editor when coding for Drupal. In general many people are still trying to get the right groove when working with Drupal, so helping others make a decision of what editor to settle for can go a long way in helping get some folks over the "Drupal hump."

Let's get together for a BoF to answer questions for those interested in adopting a Drupal-friendly editor.

Eclipse PDT & Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

My tools of choice are: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 (for themes and front-end web design) and Eclipse PDT for (PHP) development. I will be available to discuss those software packages.

The tools of choice for me

The tools of choice for me are all open-source like Inkscape, Gimp and Netbeans for PHP part of development. Would love to attend Drupalcon to discuss IDE trick 'n tips however I have other obligations at the time of Drupalcon. Looking forward to blogposts of others straight from Drupalcon IDE discussions.

+1 for Eclipse PDT

Yah, it's a 140MB download, and it's big and bloated an all that, but all those yummy IDE features help me go faster.

Git and Eclipse

I could run through how to get Drupal's GIT repositories working within Ecilpse.

Codelobster PHP Edition

I use and recommend free PHP IDE Codelobster PHP Edition
It is very good IDE and has special Drupal plug-in with the following abilities:
- Installation wizard
- Autocomplete, help and tooltips for module's hooks
- Autocomplete and tooltips for Drupal's function theme
- Autocomplete for Drupal's forms
- Drupal search: for menu path and menu function
- Context Help on Drupal API

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Chapter Three