I have been building http://drushmake.me to provide a GUI for users who depend on drush make. Although drush make is incredibly powerful, for people less familiar with the command line, it can be a little tedious or intimidating. Let's fix that!

Using this tool you can learn how to automatically build a fresh Drupal install (or your favorite install profile) completely populated with all of your commonly used modules, themes, libraries, and even Features.

Come to this BoF if you are:

  • A freelancer or site-builder who constantly sets up new drupal sites. Especially if you dread downloading the same modules again and again. Plus I need your feedback on where the UI is weak and/or confusing.
  • An avid drush/drush make user (or maintainer!) - I'd love to hear some ideas or comments on how to improve the use of drush.

Nice project, looks like it

Nice project, looks like it would help me figure things out. I can give UI feedback. Ping me @royscholten on the Twitters or yoroy in IRC and we'll chat if no BoF materialises.

project type updates


love this product, but you need to update the project type formats post d.o to GIT ... or something.. related problem

awesome product ! THANKS

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