Now Accepting Proposals for Core Conversations

Proposals are now open for the Core Conversations track. We'll be accepting proposals through 21 January.

The Core Conversations track is an evolution of the "Developers Summit" from previous DrupalCons. Rather than a pre-conference day it is a separate, side-track for more focused, future-looking proposals for Drupal Core,, and Drupal Documentation.

Core Conversations will be held in a separate, smaller room from the main tracks, and will be heavily discussion oriented. Each session should begin with either one 30 minute or two 15 minute presentations on how to improve some aspect of Core,, or Documentation followed by 30 minutes of discussion. The goal is to give advanced, engaged developers a sort of "conference within a conference" to focus on the highly thorny issues that can only be properly addressed in person.

For each proposal, we ask for a clear statement of the problem and a description of the proposed solution. That will help the reviewing team (Dries Buytaert, Larry Garfield, and Moshe Weitzman) to figure out what sessions we can include and how to pair them up. We will be announcing the selected sessions around the start of February in order to give presenters just over a month to prepare.

Are Core Coversations for me?

The target audience who would get the most out of a Core Conversations session are those actively engaged in pushing Drupal forward:

  • People actively engaged in developing and furthering Drupal core.
  • People actively engaged in developing and furthering the infrastructure so that it can better support the rapidly growing Drupal community.
  • People actively engaged in developing and furthering Drupal documentation.
  • People with specific proposals for how to improve some aspect of Drupal core, the infrastructure, or documentation.

If you are new to Drupal, work mostly in contrib space, or simply want to learn more about Drupal and Drupal development then you will get far more out of the regular sessions, particularly in the Coder, Themer, and Site Building tracks.


Can I propose a conversation

Can I propose a conversation I want someone else to lead but I'd love to attend? ; )

I don't think we can have a serious Fieldable Entity model for contributed systems without fago's Entity Metadata Wrapper... that and EntityFieldQuery make it actually possible to standardize on entities and manipulate field data on objects.

Guess I'll have to go prod fago...

And I'd love to see entity revisioning get a facelift out of the stone age... I sense it could benefit from the same level of improvement that #ahah received going from D6 to D7.

Obviously these aren't proposals in this comment, but I'm guessing this is the sort of thing I should consider proposing?

You just did!

Those both sound like good core conversation track sessions, I agree. Someone needs to propose them. :-) If you don't feel capable of doing so yourself, track down someone who would be and prod them until they do. (In the business world that's called "delegating", which is surprisingly similar to the architectural pattern of the same name.)

Possible to re-purpose regular submissions as Conversations?

It looks like isn't picked for a regular session, but it would be a great thing to bring into Core Coversations instead. I imagine there are a lot of other sessions that are in a similar boat.

Is there a way to swap them, or should we just create a new node?


We were rather hoping you'd resubmit that for the Core Conv track, actually. :-) There were a couple of sessions we declined on "this sounds really cool but is really more Core Conversation material."

Core Conversation submissions are being done via webform rather than as nodes. However, you can certainly include a link to the previous submission as part of the webform submission, and there's a field set aside for just that sort of link. We already have one submission that did exactly that, which is fine. You can probably just pilfer text from the existing submission node as well.

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