On this BoF we will (1) see examples of how you can use Views 3 to get external data from YQL into Drupal, and (2) discuss how you can and can't use this to create really cool stuff.

Write a comment if you think this is interesting! This BoF will only take place if people are interested. :-)

More information about time and place will be posted eventually.

One more thing!

If there is no interest for YQL and Views 3, this could always be a BoF about "Using Rules, Views and Panels to feed your cat while on vacation". :-D

I´m in!

I will join you Johan! I really think this i a big thing, and it gets bigger and bigger the more I think about it.
YQL gives us access to a lot out there on the net and by integrating it with Drupal we create a almost unlimited way to consume data.
Personally I would like to se some graphical GUI with where you can configure YQL, so that you can really make YQL accessible to every type of user.
I would like to here from a developer perspective if this is a good idea and how it would be done?
It might be a candidate for "Google Summer of Code".

I'm interested

I would also like to attend this BoF if it happens

Scheduled Wednesday 5–6 PM!

This session is now entered into the BoF schedule!
It will be held Wednesday 5 to 6 PM, in the Arkansas room.

I couldn't find a way to edit this existing proposal, so a clone has been created at http://chicago2011.drupal.org/conference/bof/using-views-3-and-yql-sched...

(This node should now be considered obsolete.)

Did this happen?

We are very interested and working a lot with pipes (seocompany4)
Using yql is the next evolution for us, and gold dust for our clients.
Jon Anthony

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Chapter Three