
I'm developer for and would be interested in sharing and hearing what others are doing, especially with regard to ILS integrations.


Yes to a library BoF

Count me in.

And I noticed that someone appears to be organizing a Drupal in Government BoF, so folks from public libraries and govt agencies might also be interested in that one.

Librarian meeting

I'm a public library guy but I don't think I'd fall in the Drupal in Government category. I'm up for a librarian-centered group.

-- Owen


I'd be interested in a library BoF too.

I'm game

I'm the developer of Millennium Integration module and the (new) Feed OAI-PMH module; would love to spend some time with fellow librarians =)

Public Librarian

I would be interested as well.

I'm interested

I'm fairly new to Drupal and this is my first DrupalCon. I'm interested in meeting other librarians, especially those who have recently migrated from another platform onto Drupal.

Looking forward to it

My library is looking to migrate to Drupal. I'm interested in learning what others are doing. This will be my first DrupalCon.

Time Suggestions?

Here are a couple of times. Would other people suggest times as well? I can set up a Doodle poll.

  • Wed 2:00-3:30
  • Wed. 6:00-8p (DIn-Din?)*
  • Thurs. 3:30-5p
  • Thurs. 6:00-8p (DIn-Din?)*

*Gino's East (Superior St. just west of Mich. Ave) is a great pizza place and located not far away.

Best times in my schedule

Tuesday -- until 3:00pm
Wednesday -- Noon-2:00pm; after 6:00pm (though loud restaurants aren't terribly conducive to group conversations)
Thursday -- until 11:00am

Originally, the conference schedule said there'd be BoF's on Friday, too, but now it looks like just code sprints.

Best times..

Thursday night pizza sounds good..


I am also interested in making contact with other library folks who have migrated to Drupal or are planning to. (I work with Bob Vanderhart.) I am not around Thursday evening, but I will look for others Monday-Wednesday. Let me know if you are planning to attend the training session Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal on Monday.

Tuesday 1:30-3:00?

Okay -- in the words of WNYC's Brian Lehrer -- after an Informal, Unofficial, Thoroughly Unscientific Availability Poll, it seems like most people can make it to a Library BoF on Tuesday 1:30p-3:00p.

That takes care of time.

As to location, the instructions say: "You’ll be able to sign up to schedule rooms and timeslots at the conference. If you are constrained to a particular time you will want to get your requests up early!"

I'll try to get there on Sunday and sign us up for a room. I'm not too worried since we're in a section of town where there are meeting places galore.

Will get back with location.

P.S. On maybe Wednesday after 6pm... if anyone wants to go to Gino's East (Superior St. just east of Michigan Ave) which is close by and famous for Chicago's Deep Dish pizza -- just email me.


I had posted a note on the code4lib list earlier this week about having a BOF on libraries at Drupal, steered a few folks who responded with interest to this forum as well. See you there.


I'm heading over to the Sheraton Hotel this afternoon -- registration begins at 4pm.

I'll hopefully have a location for the BoF after that.

Sign Up Not Available Till Monday

So I want to the place and they said the sign up would be available online -- starting tomorrow.

Awesome. Hope some

Awesome. Hope some code4libbers make it =)

Pizza sounds great too.

Still waiting...

It's 9:20am (CST).

Drupal 7 Migration

We're already using Drupal 6 on our website at but are making plans to move to Drupal 7 I'd be interested in chatting with someone who's already moved to Drupal 7 and finding out about what issues they had.
I'd also be happy to chat abotu our move to Drupal 6.

Library BoF - Tues. 1:45p-3:15p, Colorado Room

Okay, we have a Library BoF scheduled at DrupalCon Chicago! The event
is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday at 1:45-3:15p (note slight change in time). It will take place in the 'Colorado Room'. More info:

Looks like I missed the meeting on Tue

If you all get together again I would love to meet up with you. I work with ALA and we are working on Digital Products created in Drupal that are basically collections of bibliographic records and work very similar to Library systems.

There's Librarians' Pizza Night Out

There's Librarians' Pizza Night Out - Wednesday at 6pm at Gino's East (Superior St, just east of Michigan).

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